Well, as I predicted, once I was back to work, the blog took a back seat. I am really going to try to make this a priority. Anyway, enough of the guilts. Last weekend, a large moving truck arrived filled with all of Glenn's furniture and other belongings that have been in storage. I have to say, after feeling like I was starring in an episode of Hoarders: Buried Alive, I am handling this well.
I like my home to look a certain way and trying to incorporate someone elses belonging into the picture isn't easy for me.
Last week at the beach I was complaining to my friends (out of earshot of Glenn of course) that he wanted to hang a flatscreen TV on the wall and just let the wire hang down to the socket. Nobody thought this was a big deal except me. I dislike the way electronic equipment looks. I think it should be hidden away in a nice armoire (like it is in my living room).
However, the room we are trying to turn into a cozy den, isn't big enough for an armoire. The advice from my friends? Compromise and think how lucky you are to have this terrific guy in your life. I decided to take their advice.